Legal notice

This Legal Notice establishes the conditions of use of the website (hereinafter the Website). Those who use the Website are considered Users, and they acquire the commitment to fulfil each and every one of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice in the version published at the time of access. Therefore, it is recommended that Users read this Legal Notice carefully each time they visit the Website. These Conditions apply independently of other specific conditions applicable to certain services provided on the Website.


Service Provider Details

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, volume 3237, sheet 82, page 34197N, entry 1, with Corporate tax ID number A-08774432, registered address at Crom, 14, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), telephone number 933770208 and with the email address:

Contact: BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. extends its thanks for all suggestions, corrections and comments that help to prevent or correct any type of incident or irregularity on its Website as quickly and efficiently as possible. These communications can be sent via e-mail to

Terms and conditions of use

The terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice will apply to all pages appearing on the Site Map, which comprises all the pages on this Website.

Access to this Website is the sole responsibility of the User and implies acceptance of these terms and conditions of use. The use of certain services will also imply the acceptance without reservation of the specific rules or instructions that BARNASTOCK may establish at any time with specific regard to, in addition to or substituting these general conditions.

The User must make lawful use of this Website and its services in accordance with these terms and conditions of use and with current legislation.

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. may unilaterally modify this Website’s terms and conditions of use by publishing them within this legal notice, with such modifications taking effect at the time of their publication.



Even having adopted the technical measures within its available means, BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. is not responsible nor does it guarantee that access to the Website will be uninterrupted or that the Website will be free of error. It neither assumes responsibility nor guarantees that the content or software that can be accessed through the Website is free of error or of possible causes of loss or damage. BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. will under no circumstances be held responsible for loss or damage of any kind arising from accessing and browsing the Website, including, but not limited to, that caused to computer systems or caused by the introduction of viruses.

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. assumes no responsibility for loss or damage caused to Users due to inappropriate use of the Website. In particular, BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. shall not accept responsibility in any way for telecommunications failures, interruptions, errors or defects that may occur while the User browses the Website.


Access and security.

Access to transaction services and those services including the collection of personal data is carried out in a secure environment using a 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection through which the transmitted information is encrypted. This ensures that the transmitted content is only intelligible to the client computer and the BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. server. The locked padlock icon on the browser status bar shows the User that they are in a secure environment Our server security guarantee is backed by a certificate issued by our web service provider. This certificate guarantees that the client is transmitting their data to a BARNASTOCK server and not to a third party attempting to assume its identity.



BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. makes every effort to prevent all errors in the content that appear on its Website.

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. does not guarantee, nor shall it be held responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the contents that may appear on the Website.


Updates and Modifications to the Website.

The information that appears on the Website is current on the date of its last update. BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. assumes no responsibility for the suitability or the timeliness of the information contained therein.

The User may not alter, change, modify or adapt the Website. BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. reserves the right to effect as many updates, changes and modifications as it deems appropriate, and may exercise said right at any time and without prior notice.


Intellectual and Industrial Property.

This Website, its source code, and contents are protected by intellectual property law. They may not be used, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly broadcast, transferred or transformed without the express authorisation of the right-holders.

The design, images, signs, distinctive signs, trade name, trademark, logos, products and services contained in this Website are protected by industrial property law.

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. is the license holder of all the rights to the content of this Website and legitimately possesses exclusive copyright, except the rights belonging to specific suppliers with whom a corresponding contract for content provision has been signed, with the latter protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property law and also subject to these conditions.

Access to this Website does not give users any rights or entitlement over the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of its contents. Users who access this Website may not copy, modify, distribute, convey, reproduce, publish, assign or sell the aforementioned elements or create new products or services derived from information obtained from them without express authorisation in writing from the right-holders.

Alteration of the content or structure of this Website by the User is strictly forbidden.

In the event that you send information of any kind to BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A., you declare, guarantee and accept that you have the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any intellectual property, trademark, patent, trade secret or any other right of third-parties, that said information is not confidential and that said information is not harmful to third parties.

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. reserves the right to take legal action against users who breach intellectual and/or industrial property rights.



The Website may include hyperlinks or links to other websites to which BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. is not a right-holder. In no case does said possibility imply the existence of a relationship between BARNASTOCK and the owner of the Website to which any such hyperlink redirects, nor its approval or acceptance. Neither will BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. be responsible for the legality of the contents it contains.

All other Websites are prohibited from including a hyperlink to the BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. Website without its express authorisation. Said authorisation shall imply that the hyperlink may not be presented in a way that harms the BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. public image and brand or the Website itself, nor third parties that appear on it.

BARCELONESA DE DROGAS Y PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS, S.A. will eliminate any link as soon as it becomes aware, via any media, of the illegality of its contents or that it is harmful to the property or rights of a third party.


Website Privacy Policy.

For further information on our privacy and data protection policy, please see our Privacy Policy.


Use of Cookies

Cookies are necessary in order to use our Website. Cookies are used to improve the browsing experience and to offer a more personalised and smoother service, as well as being a tool to obtain statistical data on Website use. Cookies are never used to store information that may identify the User. For more information, see our Cookies Policy


Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction.

The terms and conditions of the Website and all possible relationships that may arise from it are governed by Spanish law.

Any dispute that may arise from access or use of the Website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Barcelona (Spain).

¿Tienes alguna duda?

Contacta con nuestro equipo técnico

Los datos de carácter personal que nos proporciones rellenando el presente formulario serán tratados por Barcelonesa de Drogas y Productos Químicos. La finalidad de la recogida y el tratamiento de los datos personales que te solicitamos es para contestar a las solicitudes de información del interesado y el establecimiento o mantenimiento de relaciones comerciales. La legitimación se realiza a través del consentimiento del interesado y el interés legítimo en el desarrollo de la relación comercial. Los destinatarios de esta información son las empresas del Grup Barcelonesa. El usuario tiene derecho a acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, oposición y portabilidad de todos sus datos. Para más información visite nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Do you have any doubt?

Contact our technical team

The personal data that you provide by filling out this form will be processed by PH7 Food Technology. The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data that we request is to answer the information requests of the interested party and the establishment or maintenance of business relationships. The legitimation is made through the consent of the interested party and the legitimate interest in the development of the commercial relationship. The recipients of this information are the companies of the Barcelona Group. The user has the right to access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability of all their data. For more information visit our Privacy Policy